Black Neon Tetra complete care

The elegant and beautiful Black Neon Tetra has the scientific name Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, Black Neon Tetra belongs to the characin family of the order Characiformes, the Characidae family. These fish usually swim in groups, and like dense aquatic plants with a dark base substrate. Following, Black Neon Tetra complete care

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Natural habitat of the Black neon tetra 

Black neon tetra is perfect to complement your aquascape. The natural habitat of this fish is in the Solimoes river, southeastern Colombia, eastern Peru and western Brazil, in the Taquari river basin and the Paraguay river, which is located in Mato Grosso do Sul, as well as in the South Pantanal wetland park. These fish are scattered in bays, creeks, shallow bays, and forest ponds. 

Tropical Fish Black Neon Tetra 

Measuring 4 cm in length, the Black Neon Tetra looks elegant, is named almost similar to the neon Tetra, but has a distinct black stripe. The Black neon Tetra lifespan of between 3-5 years.

A group of beautiful and elegant looking black neon tetras are swimming in the center area and above the aquarium. Black Neon Terta is suitable to be kept in one tank with another type because it has a good temperament. However, in certain countries, Black Neon Tetra is relatively difficult to find on the market. 

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Black Neon Tetra complete care 

Black neon tetra likes mild acidic water, and the water should always be clean. Their tank should contain aquatic vegetation, dark substrate and open water for swimming. In order to look more beautiful, this fish group is always kept in large groups. 

This fish requires water conditions of pH 5-7, Black Neon Tetra likes Temperature 20-26 ° C / 68-80 ° F. In the artificial habitat - aquascape, Black neon tetra is able to adapt to temperatures of 25 ° -30 ° C, a temperature about the same as temperatures in Asia.

Black Neon Tetra Feed 

In the natural habitat, Neon Tetra's diet is planarian, daphnia, bloodworm, Tubifex, mosquito larvae. However, the Black Neon Tetra is omnivorous, this fish tends to like all types of food, including artificial, frozen, or live food. Occasionally, Black Neon Tetra can be given feed in the form of brine shrimp and blood worms. 

Live food like this can make the fish grow better and increase the brightness of the fish's color, things to remember, this fish has a tiny mouth, so adjust the size of the feed with the fish's mouth. 

The difference between Male or Female Black Neon Tetra 

The sex of the Black Neon Tetra can be determined from their body shape, the female Black Neon Tetra's body is much heavier and bigger, has a round, round and fat belly. Meanwhile, the male Black Neon Tetra has a flat stomach and looks fitter and is smaller than the female.

Black Neon Tetra Fish Breeding and Spawning 

Breeding Black Neon Terta is not easy and instantaneous, breeding this fish requires time and a difficult process even though every year this fish likes to lay eggs, especially in spring and summer. Black Neon Tetra enters productive period at the age of 10-11 months. 

Black Neon Terta spawning can be done in a 7.5 liter spawning aquarium, the water depth does not exceed 20 cm, adjust the water condition with an acidity of 6.2 - 6.6 and a stable temperature between 24 ° - 26 ° C, the spawning aquarium is inhabited by 3 - 4 fish. 

black neon tetra male female, black neon tetra fish breeding

The spawning aquarium must be shaded from the sun, shading all sides of the aquarium, when spawning tetra species like a dark and calm atmosphere.

Choose the best parent fish, the most active male, the fattest female. Separate male and female sires for a week, and provide special feed such as mosquito larvae. After a week, unite the sires in the spawning aquarium and the day before spawning, stop feeding.

The process of this period lasts for 2-3 days, the female Black neon tetra will lay eggs in the morning and the eggs are immediately fertilized by the male fish, the Black Neon Tetra eggs produced from spawning are around 100-200 eggs. 

Immediately remove male and female sires after breeding from the spawning aquarium. The egg incubation period lasts 1-2 days. On days 3-5 days the fertilized eggs will become larvae, and can swim and eat independently. During this period, light that is neither so bright nor so dark can begin to enter the spawning tank.

Juvenile Black Neon Tetra can be fed with infusorian rotifers, and small crustaceans, after growing, they can be given vegetable feed as a complement. Usually their growth is fast. The first 2 weeks Juvenile fish usually hide under plants or under leaves. 

Caring for black neon tetra, black neon tetra, black neon tetra male

The Perfect Aquarium Friend for the Black Neon Tetra 

The best aquarium companions for the Black Neon Tetra are the black tetra, neon tetra, dwarf gourami - dwarf gourami, tiger barb - Sumatran fish, kuhli loach, and the like. 

Caring for aquarium fish is relatively difficult, but by following Black Neon Tetra Complete Care, the results will be beautiful and satisfying.


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